
Stand face to face with wild game!
Follow the right track!


Huntventure for hunters

Huntventure for hunting clubs

Huntventure for hunters

We have an attractive offer for foreign exchange offices and organized groups who want to participate in organized huntings on the best areas of Poland.


Huntventure’s hunting participants receive warm meals from the hunter’s kitchen and every hunting is in the line with the great Polish tradition. We take care of every detail and we guarantee a pleasant atmosphere because we want our guests to feel nice and comfortable with us.

We offer our clients four basic hunting game species. With Hunventure you can hunt scabies, wild boars, deer and fallow deer. It is the most attractive game animals, of which our country is famous. The method of hunting depends on the preferences and needs of our clients — we offer hunting with dogs, with the hides, from pulpits and many other modes.

Detailed information about costs of stay, hunting and game organization are included in our price list, so if you are interested in our proposition — we invite you to fill out our form.


– Zamówienie polowania

Huntventure for hunting clubs

We are in the role of intermediate between the provincial supporter of hunting clubs and foreign customer, in the field of implementation, organization and settlement of hunting.


We work with many foreign offices and have contacts with foreign hunters who are interested in the best hunting areas in Poland. We have the ability to organize large groups of hunters, so we would like to invite all the highest level hunting clubs to cooperate with our company. It will certainly lead to providing the best hunting services in Poland.


We are interested in long-term cooperation in the field of hunting organizing. In our activities, we put the professionalism first place and need the same from our partners. Hunting clubs that decide to cooperate with us can rely on our substantive support, experience and comprehensive service as well. We guarantee transparent terms of cooperation and regular and punctual payment for hunting. Our office can organize hunting both individual and collective as well. We always square up without undue delay, and by the terms of the protocol drawn up on the hunt. We invite you to submit hunting offers for sale. We invite you to submit your hunting sale offers


– Zlecenie sprzedaży